Metco, a division of the Emerson Group represented by Fluxo, will provide engineering measurement services for Maersk Oil Brazil's FPSO Peregrino, anchored in the Peregrino field, in the Campos Basin. The contract was signed in September 2010 and is valid for two years.
The service is guided by the concept of total management of the measurement of oil and gas systems. Metco's team will provide documentation management, service planning, instrumentation calibration - both on the platform and in onshore laboratories - as well as consultancy to meet the requirements of the ANP (National Petroleum Agency).
To meet all requirements, Maersk will have a technician specialized in fluid measurement systems, regularly on-board the FPSO. The Metco technician will be responsible for maintaining the flow computers and all measuring instruments. The entire calibration routine is part of their tasks, which includes ensuring the quality of your calibration history, as well as the entire history of the FPSO's oil and gas production database.
The team of engineers at Metco's base in Macaé-RJ will also support the FPSO, in terms of checking daily production, optimizing systems, procedures and scheduling maintenance. These measures provide great peace of mind for Maersk managers regarding compliance with fiscal measurement requirements.
Metco's product manager at Fluxo Eduardo Costa explains that good fiscal measurement generates benefits for everyone involved, as: “Its main objective is to provide reliable information to the federal government, responsible for collecting oil royalties, which will later be reverted to benefits to society. Another important factor is the reduction of business risks, as for the oilfield concessionaire and operator, it is vitally important to guarantee the measurement with the least possible uncertainty, since royalties are charged according to the average prices of the international oil market and gas”, concludes the specialist.