Automind is in the final phase of implementing the SSCCT (Tank Truck Loading Supervision System) at the loading terminals of the Monteiro Lobato (UTGCA) and Sul Capixaba (UTG-SUL) gas treatment units, located in Caraguatatuba-SP and in Anchieta-ES. Contracted respectively by the companies Consórcio Caraguatatuba and Alusa, Automind is supplying the complete SSCCT, whose scope is composed of services, Autoload® software and equipment (PLCs mounted on panels, servers, workstations, switches, data entry terminals , gates, photocells, among others). Both are works belonging to Petrobras' Plangás (Gas Production Anticipation Plan).
With the Terminal Management System in operation, the user will have: control the access of trucks and drivers to their facilities, obtain and send in real time information about the loading and stock of products, increase the movement of trucks in the terminal, among others. After completing the implementation of Autoload®, the two units will have a complete and fully automated system, including: registration module; queue controls; access and loading and interface with corporate system. “The system completely meets the operating needs of these terminals, such as: availability, security, reliability, interactivity and tracking requirements of loading operations” emphasized Adriano Macário, director of operations at Automind.