Fluxo supplied a set of valves, actuators and HPU's (hydraulic power units) to the ore pipeline at the Vale de Paragominas-PA unit. In all, there are 110 valves from ValvTechnologies with diameters ranging from 1” to 24”, of which 36 are actuated with hydraulic actuators from Shafer of the rotary vane type (Rotary Vane), in addition to an HPU also from Shafer with 320 gallons. The materials will be delivered by the end of 2010.
Shafer actuators are renowned equipment in the national market, and can be found in the largest ore pipelines in Brazil, such as the Minas-Rio, by Anglo American, in the ore pipelines of Samarco (MG-ES), in the Votorantim pipeline, among others.
Shafer is the only company that offers a ten-year warranty for hydraulic actuators, in addition to the most efficient mechanical system on the market. The HPU's Shafer have a thermal compensation system that avoids wasting energy in unnecessary activations, and delivers constant pressure to the hydraulic system that drives the actuators, prolonging the useful life of the hydraulic set and ensuring full availability in the pipeline's demands.
ValvTechnologies valves are of high quality, have a long service life and low maintenance costs. They are manufactured to withstand the most severe applications such as: high and low temperatures, high pressure, high cycles, abrasive, corrosive, caustic and nuclear applications. The valves are at such a high level of development that their standards will be followed by many valve manufacturers of future generations.
A world leader in the design and manufacture of heavy duty valves, ValvTechnologies has consolidated its reputation for quality and reliability worldwide in the mining market, but also with other power plant, oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical customers.