Cattalini Terminais Marítimos acquired turn-key solutions from Fluxo for the new tank park at its terminal 1, located in Paranaguá-PR. The solution comprises a tank telemetry system, a valve remote control system and a chemical loading system. The first match will be the telemetry system, which will take place in December this year. The rest of the equipment and services will be delivered by March 2011.
The tank telemetry system consists of 48 Rosemount radars with wireless technology. The Cattalini package was the first wireless radar acquired by a chemical terminal in Brazil. Wireless technology eliminates the use of network cables, which reduces the costs of acquiring materials and installing the system.
The motorized valve remote control system consists of 18 Rotork electric actuators with tri-eccentric butterfly valves, interconnected to a Rotork P3 Master Station. The remote control system activates the valves directly from the control room, which reduces the amount of labor in the field, increasing the safety of operations and of its employees.
The chemical loading system was automated for six loading points, each with a Daniel Danload 8000 pre-determiner, a Siemens non-intrusive ultrasonic meter and an OPW stainless steel loading arm. The advantage of the non-intrusive meter is that it does not come into contact with the product loaded in the terminal, which allows the loading of any chemical product, regardless of its composition.
The systems package includes the provision of equipment and services ranging from design, assembly supervision, mechanical and electrical installation, commissioning, start-up and training.