Fluxo, together with its represented Jiskoot Quality Systems, a division of the Cameron group, delivered in December 2009 to Temadre (Terminal Aquaviário de Madre Deus), in Bahia, a bunker mixing unit by continuous process of fuel oil and diesel oil over skid.
The mixing unit mounted on a fixed skid will be controlled by the Jiskoot EX Insight already existing at the terminal and sized to meet a maximum flow of 550 m3/h of fuel oil and 140 m3/h of diesel oil. In addition to the controller, each line has a Micro Motion coriolis gauge, V-port type control valve with electric actuator, check valve and pressure and temperature indicator transmitter. The unit also has a static mixer and a Jiskoot VQL bunker sampler so that three flow rate samples of the mixed product are collected.
Each inflow is monitored by the flowmeter, which provides the return signal to the Jiskoot InSight mixing controller. The closed loops formed by the control valve, flow measurement signals and the Insight automatic mixing controller form the basis for the entire proportion mixing system.
This supply is the first in Brazil using a coriolis flow meter. Micro Motion coriolis was chosen because of its precision and process optimization characteristics. The coriolis will measure the mass, flow and volume of the product from each line and will allow the system to have dynamic and responsible proportion control during the mixing process.
Additional services offered include factory and field acceptance testing, training, pre-operation and assisted operation. All were performed by Fluxo technicians trained by Jiskoot.
Jiskoot Quality Systems has been designing mixing systems for over 40 years, with numerous operating systems around the world. With this supply and its unique characteristics, Temadre will be able to produce bunker oil or fuel oil for large ships, the final product of the mixture, with the highest quality and reliability required for its specification. “In this way, we hope to help Petrobras continue to be the largest producer and supplier of bunkering in South America, supplying more than 7,200 ships in Brazilian ports each year”, says Washington Albuquerque, Jiskoot product manager at Fluxo.