After consolidating itself as a supplier of VRUs (Vapor Recovery Units), Fluxo takes another step, now to implement a remote monitoring system for the units supplied. The recovered vapors come from the loading of fuels, as is already the case at Petrobras' distribution terminals - Tecub, Tespa, Teplan and Tevap - and at Shell's Canoas Terminal, all with units supplied by Fluxo.
With the use of software developed by Jordan Technologies - licensor of the VRU technology - Fluxo will be able to monitor, from its facilities at the São Paulo branch, all units in operation. The activity will be a continuous monitoring of operational conditions, with the possible identification of anomalies that may cause damage to the system.
“With this investment, we will be able to better monitor the units and schedule preventive and predictive maintenance in order to increase the availability of VRUs. The system is expected to start operating within 60 days,” says Gary Muñoz, national service manager and responsible for VRU maintenance contracts.