Fluxo will supply the loading solution, the tank telemetry system and the operational measurement solution for the Cacimbas Gas Treatment Unit (UTGC), which treats gases and condensates mainly from the Golfinho field, and natural gas coming from the Campo de Peroá (PPER-1), municipality of Linhares, ES. The supply is part of the second phase of the Cacimbas Project, which is implementing a Natural Gas Processing Unit (UPGN), a Natural Gas Condensate Processing Unit (UPCGN) and the Off-Site of the utilities, storage, reception units and export.
The off-site loading solution and the tank telemetry system will be installed. The charging solution will consist of five Danload 6000 electronic presets with a MicroMotion mass flowmeter and Daniel 788 digital control valves. In the tank telemetry system, three radar level gauges for pressurized tanks (spheres) and two condensate tanks (C5+) will be used.
At operational measurement points, present at the UPGN, UPCGN and off-site, Fluxo will supply Emerson's 3095 multivariable electronics for measurements with orifice plate and ultrasonic flowmeters from Daniel and Siemens.
For the integration of Packages, Automind will provide the Autoload® software, specific for terminal management. In addition to the software, Automind will perform parameterization and installation services for Autoload®, platform and field tests, provide training in operation, engineering and maintenance, and assisted operation.
From this supply, Fluxo dives into the integrated solutions market, offering complete automation for the plant, now with a team dedicated exclusively to the design, engineering and sale of solution packages for terminals, off-shore platforms, and pipelines .