The consortium formed by Emerson Process Management and Construtora Norberto Odebrecht (CNO), organized by Fluxo, was contracted by Petrobras to supply and implement the entire measurement system for the UN-BC/Petrobras Ativo Marlim platforms. Emerson supplied the equipment and CNO was responsible for carrying out the electromechanical work and managing Offshore Logistics. Automind, a subcontractor of the consortium, carried out the automation and complete integration of the measurement systems of the ten platforms of Ativo Marlim, of which seven have already been approved by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP).
Automind participated in the elaboration of the basic and detailed automation project, executed the specifications of all the equipment and the engineering for the development and integration of the automation and telecommunications systems. In addition, factory tests were carried out on the panels and the automation system, the configuration of the flow computers and the supervision centers, as well as the start-up and pre-operation of the 10 Ativo-Marlim Platforms, namely: P- 18, P-19, P-20, P-26, P-27, P-32, P-33, P-35, P-37 and P-47.
In addition to enabling the complete supervision of the fiscal meshes, appropriation of natural gas and oil from the platforms, the automation system was interconnected to the platform operation system (ECOS), based on Open VMS and VXL.
The system was developed and tested at Automind's facilities, in Macaé, with the facilities of a complete industrial automation laboratory, with equipment (software) performance tests and communication under real operating conditions. The final tests, with the panels supplied for installation on the platforms, were carried out at Emerson's facilities in Macaé.
Automind also carried out training for Petrobras' operation and maintenance teams, in order to complement the training of users for the correct use of the implemented measurement system.
The seven platforms approved by the ANP P-20, P-26, P-27, P-32, P-33, P-35 and P-47 already meet the requirements of Joint Ordinance No. 1 of the ANP/INMETRO. The approval procedure followed the schedule established between Emerson and Petrobras for delivery of the Measurement points.
The other platforms of the P-18, P-19 and P-37 project will be audited by the end of April 2007, with good chances of following the same line of success achieved by the approved platforms.