In order to offer the best service to its customers, Fluxo has organized in-house training for its engineering team. The trainings took place in Rio de Janeiro, lasting one week. At the end of September, Rotork training took place. In early November it was Saab's turn.
Training from Rotork Controls Inc. covered 16 Fluxo employees, 14 from the services division and two from the commercial area. Rotork-US field engineer Sean Guthrie taught the course on Rotork equipment, which had 40 hours of theoretical and practical activities.
More than 70% from Fluxo's service group have honed their knowledge of IQ, IQT, Master Station actuators, and Rotork's IQ Insight software. The training was important, as it reached a large part of the services group: “we can now say that the entire service team has good knowledge of Rotork equipment”, says Renato Nelli, service engineer.
Saab Rosemount engineers Juan Carlos Golic and Oscar Morales provided the Saab training. REX, PRO level meters and accessories such as Field Communication Unit (FCU), Field Communication Modem (FBM), Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) and Multipoint Temperature Sensor (MST) were covered in the course. . In addition to the equipment, participants had the opportunity to learn about the TankMaster program, which comprises configuration (WinSetup) and supervisory management (WinOPI) modules.
The training was attended by thirteen service employees and four from the commercial, who today have an excellent view of the Saab Rosemount level measurement system. Engineering assistant Rafael Costa approved the result of the training and emphasized the importance of practical classes: “mainly for us in the commercial area, the experience of practical classes was very useful. We connected the equipment, configured it via software and operated the radars on an experimental basis,” he adds.