Last May 24th, Fluxo opened another great door to conquer new markets. The credit went to the team at Pibiviesse, an Italian valve manufacturer that Fluxo has represented since September last year. The contract for the supply of ball valves was signed with Petrobras for the Campos Basin Oil Flow and Treatment Master Plan (PDET). 14 valves of 12”, class 1500#, 7 valves of 6”, class 1500# and 1 valve of 10”, class 1500# will be installed, all in subsea pipelines.
Based on methodical work and high technical-commercial qualifications, Pibiviesse, through the representation of Fluxo, is seeking to consolidate its participation in the underwater area, which corresponds to a noble slice of the oil and gas exploration market.
The importance of PDET is demonstrated by the flow capacity that the project will achieve in 2006: 640 thousand barrels of oil per day. The project provides for the construction and installation of an autonomous pumping platform (PRA-1), two monobuoys, an FSO and a network of subsea pipelines. Through the PDET, it will be possible to supply oil tankers that will take the oil produced on five platforms (P-51, P-52, P-53, P-54 and P-55) to Petrobras' coastal terminals or abroad.