Fluxo and Daniel Measurement and Controls, an Emerson group company, will supply the GFMS (Gas Flow Metering System) for the P-54, an FPSO (Floating Production Storage & Offloading) type platform that will operate in the Roncador Field, in Campos Basin. The contract signed in April this year between Fluxo and the Mauá Jurong shipyard will ensure that all gas produced, exported and flared by the P-54 is measured by equipment supplied by Fluxo/Daniel, in accordance with ANP regulations. The platform will operate in a water depth of 1,315 meters, with the capacity to compress approximately 6 million m3/day of gas.
Daniel's measurement system will be set up, part in the field, part in the control room. The equipment for the field consists of measuring sections assembled with stainless steel and carbon steel tubes, Profiler-type flow rectifiers, a dual chamber plate changer, Senior Orifice Fitting model, multivariable transmitters (MVS), Emerson model 205, capable of measuring differential pressure, static and temperature with just one transmitter and ultrasonic gauges for flare gas.
Flow computers were assembled for the control room, model Floboss 407 from Emerson, a PLC that will serve as a Gateway between the GFMS and ECOS, a chromatograph from Daniel and a workstation that will serve for ANP audits.
An important point to be highlighted is that the GFMS will be manufactured in Brazil, at the Emerson Process Management plant in Sorocaba, fulfilling the requirement of having a high percentage of national content.