As a pioneer, Deten Química S/A acquired ten radar level meters from Saab, PRO model, with 5 mm precision, for level measurement in paraffin, LAS and LAB storage tanks. This is the first Saab system in Brazil to use a bus with FieldBus Foundation technology.
The meters are integrated into the supervisory system through the Smar interface. The success of the application led Deten this year to purchase an additional five meters. The system works under the supervision of Alexandre Santana, an instrumentation engineer with over 16 years of experience in the field. Carlos Alberto Soares, instrumentation technician and responsible for the assembly and start-up of the equipment, confirms the good performance of the meters: “The equipment is easy to install and configure, which allows for a reduction in commissioning time. It has very good accuracy and a satisfactory response time,” says Soares.