Fluxo Soluções
 / January 2012

BR ensures Temat automation

Automind won the competition to automate the entire Mataripe Terminal (Temat), one of BR Distribuidora's largest, located in Mataripe, Bahia. The company will implement an automation system within one year, which will be carried out on a turn-key basis and includes the supply of equipment, software and services.

The automation system will consist of two servers, one for access and loading and the other for interlocking and control, which will be installed in the operating room. There will also be human-machine interfaces in the multifunctional concierge, in the drivers' room and in the management room.

The interlocking and control server will be connected to the central PLC, which will have the objective of acquiring the level data of the 27 existing tanks through the FCU of SAAB, monitoring/activating 52 motorized valves from Rotork through the Master Station and Density monitoring through 8 MicroMotion densimeters. There will also be a remote PLC that will interlock the additive pumps.

In the access and loading server, the automation related to the terminal's normal operations will be carried out, such as access and circulation control, queue control, reading the weights measured by the scales, controlling the inspection of vehicles, in addition to the control of loading and unloading of tanker trucks. These functions will be performed through the Autoload software developed by Automind.

The entire system will be integrated with SAP/R3 through Mdriver, software developed by BR Distribuidora itself. After the implementation of the automation system, Temat will be able to carry out its operations with greater safety and efficiency.

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