Contractor: Marlin Asset tax measurement
Fluxo led the formation of a consortium between Construtora Norberto Odebrecht and Emerson Process Management for the supply and installation of measurement systems on Petrobras' production platforms in the Campos Basin. The contract was signed on April 28, has a value of 80 million dollars and aims to control the measurement of the production of the nine Marlin platforms. The execution of the contract is scheduled for a period of three years, comprising the phases of installation and assembly of equipment and technical assistance for the operation.
Petrobras' decision stems from a norm adopted by the ANP-Inmetro joint resolution, which obliges oil and natural gas producing companies to measure their production at the extraction site. The measure represents the establishment of the calculation basis that will make it possible to stipulate the royalties to be charged to the producer and the consequent distribution to the municipalities, states and union, in addition to the payment to the land owner in the case of "on shore" production.