The ILTA - Independent Liquid Terminal Association - based in New York, annually organizes the ILTA FAIR in Houston, Texas, where the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of solutions for liquid terminals gather. Every year, the Fair receives more and more Brazilians.
Fluxo is the only Latin American company associated with ILTA, and for the third consecutive time it participates as an exhibitor. In parallel, the Liquid Terminals Congress takes place.
This year, we registered the notable presence of the following visitors: Transpetro (Paulo Penchiná, Alberto Shinzato and Felippe Antunes), BR (Marcello Caoduro, Maria Virginia Serfaty, Roberto Falcão and Felix Balassinos), Petróleo Ipiranga (Janio Cobliatti Filho, Marcelo Vizani and Ricardo Nucci), Aster Petróleo (Marcelo Cañedo and José Silveira), Golfo Brasil Petróleo (Dirceu Oliveira Jr. and Claudio Reinert), Cattalini Terminals (Renato Cattalini), Stolthaven Santos (Mike Sealy), Vopak Terminais (Jan Griep), Emco Hitrax ( Gilmar Vicente and Benito Miravalles).