Fluxo will supply another supply to Abreu e Lima through the Ipojuca consortium. This time it is in partnership with Lupatech, which opted for Rotork electric actuators to integrate its valves. Lupatech's responsibility will be to supply the motorized valves for the largest segment of pipelines at the Abreu e Lima Refinery, which connects the tanking with the plant's process units. The STVM (valve telecommand system) is composed of about 600 ball and gate valves and their respective IQ and IQT electric actuators. Lupatech chose Fluxo thanks to the excellent quality of Rotork products, but also due to the technical and service support provided by Fluxo, which already has more than ten thousand actuators installed throughout the Petrobras system.
The actuators in this package use a redundant Profibus network. All models of Rotork actuators are certified by the Profibus Organization, which guarantees their operation in Profibus networks on a single or redundant bus, as well as their interoperability with other certified instruments.
Another particularity of this project is the supply of Data Highway modules. Solution developed entirely by Rotork, the device is coupled to the actuator itself. The advantage is that in case of physical removal of the actuator, the device closes a relay, allowing the continuity of the network to be maintained. The disconnection system is automatic and extremely reliable, using the same method employed by Rotork's Pakscan networks for over 30 years.
As the Data Highway module is integrated into the instrument, it does not require additional support, which reduces the cost of the project. Data Highway uses the same housing as the actuator, which guarantees the same area certification, in addition to not consuming grid power and generating no ramifications in the topology. Its use does not interfere with the Profibus network.
The Abreu e Lima Interconnection Valves Remote Control System will join the other systems already supplied by Rotork for other units of the refinery, such as coke units, naphtha hydration, hydrogen, atmospheric distillation, among others. The homogeneity of these supplies will undoubtedly facilitate the integration and operation of these units when the refinery is fully operational.