FLUXO supplies LPG and C5+ EMEDs for Transpetro pipelines

In June 2022, FLUXO signed another important contract with Transpetro, this time for the supply of two Flow Metering Stations for LPG measurement on OCVAP I pipelines, and for C5+ measurement on OCVAP II.
The project scope consists on supplying a turn-key solution, including the elaboration of the executive project, materials, construction, assembly, conditioning and commissioning of the systems.
The LPG and C5+ pipeline of Oleoduto Caraguatatuba Vale do Paraíba (OCVAP I and II) system is located at Transpetro's Monteiro Lobato Gas Treatment Plant (UTGCA), in the city of Caraguatatuba - SP. This system interconnects the UTGCA to the Henrique Lage Refinery (REVAP), in São José dos Campos.
The purpose of the project to adapt to the Integrated Processing System (SIP) is to meet the technical regulations related to custody transfer measurement.
The implementations required to comply with the SIP will not alter the characteristics and operation of the measuring branches, which will continue to provide measuring information to the UTGCA and to the CNCL (National Center for Control and Logistics) in an automated way.
The measuring branches shall be adapted according to the metrological requirements of custody transfer (Administrative Rule no. 291, of July 7, 2021) by adapting the instruments, including a flow computer, and installing a second measuring branch, as a spare, to ensure the operational continuity of the pipeline whenever periodic calibration of the instruments is required.
Throughout more than 33 years of operation, FLUXO has consolidated its position as a provider of automation, measurement and instrumentation solutions by supplying more than 500 derivative and chemicals measurement skids. FLUXO's mission is to provide solutions with innovation and excellence for its customers.